

HPC|Jan 30, 2024|Last edited: Feb 1, 2024|

HPC Introduction

Von Neumann Computer Architecture

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Flynn's Classical Taxonom

General Parallel Computing Terminology

  • Node
    • A standalone "computer in a box." Usually comprised of multiple CPUs/processors/cores, memory, network interfaces, etc. Nodes are networked together to comprise a supercomputer
  • Task
    • A logically discrete section of computational work. A task is typically a program or program-like set of instructions that is executed by a processor. A parallel program consists of multiple tasks running on multiple processors
  • Pipelining
    • Breaking a task into steps performed by different processor units, with inputs streaming through, much like an assembly line; a type of parallel computing
  • Shared Memory
    • Describes a computer architecture where all processors have direct access to common physical memory. In a programming sense, it describes a model where parallel tasks all have the same "picture" of memory and can directly address and access the same logical memory locations regardless of where the physical memory actually exists
  • Symmetric Multi-Processor (SMP)
    • Shared memory hardware architecture where multiple processors share a single address space and have equal access to all resources - memory, disk, etc.
  • Distributed Memory
    • In hardware, refers to network-based memory access for physical memory that is not common. As a programming model, tasks can only logically "see" local machine memory and must use communications to access memory on other machines where other tasks are executing
  • Communications
    • Parallel tasks typically need to exchange data. There are several ways this can be accomplished, such as through a shared memory bus or over a networ
  • Synchronization
    • The coordination of parallel tasks in real time, very often associated with communications
    • Synchronization usually involves waiting by at least one task, and can therefore cause a parallel application's wall clock execution time to increase.
  • Computational Granularity
    • Coarse: relatively large amounts of computational work are done between communication events
    • Fine: relatively small amounts of computational work are done between communication events
  • Observed Speedup
    • Observed speedup of a code which has been parallelized, defined as
      • (wall-clock time of serial execution)/(wall-clock time of parallel execution)
  • Parallel Overhead
    • Required execution time that is unique to parallel tasks, as opposed to that for doing useful work. Include factors such as: Task start-up/termination time; Synchronizations & communication; Software overhead imposed by parallel languages, libraries, operating system, etc.
  • Embarrassingly (IDEALY) Parallel – Solving many similar, but independent tasks simultaneously; little to no need for coordination between the tasks
  • Scalability
    • Refers to a parallel system's (hardware and/or software) ability to demonstrate a proportionate increase in parallel speedup with the addition of more resources. Factors that contribute to scalability include:
      • Hardware: particularly memory/cpu bandwidths and network communication properties
      • Application algorithm; Parallel overhead related; Characteristics of your specific application

Amdahl’s Law

  • Speedup = 1 / (1 – P)
  • If number of processors is increased
    • Speedup= \frac{1}{\frac{p}{N}+S}
    • P = parallel fraction
    • N = number of processors
    • S = serial fraction

Moore’s Law

  • The number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit (IC) doubles about every two years
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  • Strong scaling
    • The total problem size stays fixed as more processors are added
    • Goal is to run the same problem size faster
    • Perfect scaling means problem is solved in 1/P time (compared to serial)
  • Weak scaling (Gustafson)
    • The problem size per processor stays fixed as more processors are added. The total problem size is proportional to the number of processors used.
    • Goal is to run larger problem in same amount of time
    • Perfect scaling means problem Px runs in same time as single processor run

Shared Memory

  • Ability for all processors to access all memory as global address space
  • Multiple processors can operate independently but share the same memory resources
  • Changes in a memory location effected by one processor are visible to all other processors
  • Classified as Uniform Memory Access (UMA) and Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA), based upon memory access times.

Uniform Memory Access (UMA)

  • Identical processors
  • Equal access and access times to memory
  • Sometimes called CC-UMA - Cache Coherent UMA
    • Cache coherent means if one processor updates a location in shared memory, all the other processors know about the update
    • Cache coherency is accomplished at the hardware leve
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Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA)

  • Often made by physically linking two or more SMPs
  • One SMP can directly access memory of another SMP
  • Not all processors have equal access time to all memories
  • Memory access across link is slower
  • If cache coherency is maintained, then may also be called CC-NUMA - Cache Coherent NUMA

Shared Memory: Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Advantages
    • user-friendly programming
    • Data sharing between tasks is both fast and uniform
  • Disadvantages
    • lack of scalability
    • Programmer responsibility for synchronization constructs

Distributed Memory

  • Requires a communication network to connect inter-processor memory
  • Processors have their own local memory
  • Memory addresses in one processor do not map to another processor
  • No concept of global address space across all processors
  • No concept of cache coherency
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Distributed Memory: Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Advantages
    • scalable
    • each processor can rapidly access its own memory
    • Cost effectiveness: can use commodity, off-the-shelf processors and networking
  • Disadvantages
    • The programmer is responsible for many of the details
    • May be difficult to map existing data structures
    • Non-uniform memory access times

Hybrid Distributed-Shared Memory

  • Advantages and Disadvantages
    • Whatever is common to both shared and distributed memory architectures
    • Increased scalability is an important advantage
    • Increased programmer complexity is an important disadvantage

Parallel Programming Models

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Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Communications

  • Synchronous communications require some type of "handshaking" between tasks
  • Synchronous communications are often referred to as blocking communications
  • Asynchronous communications are often referred to as non-blocking communications

Scope of Communications

  • Point-to-point
    • involves two tasks with one task acting as the sender/producer of data, and the other acting as the receiver/consumer.
  • Collective
    • involves data sharing between more than two tasks, which are often specified as being members in a common group, or collective.

Types of Collective Communication

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  • Types of Synchronization
    • Barrier
      • When the last task reaches the barrier, all tasks are synchronized.
    • Lock/Semaphore
      • The first task to acquire the lock "sets" it
      • This task can then safely (serially) access the protected data or code.
      • Other tasks can attempt to acquire the lock but must wait until the task that owns the lock releases it.
    • Synchronous communication operations
      • For example, before a task can perform a send operation, it must first receive an acknowledgment from the receiving task that it is OK to send

“Best Practices” for I/O

Rule #1: Reduce overall I/O as much as possible.

  • I/O operations are generally regarded as inhibitors to parallelism.
  • I/O operations require orders of magnitude more time than memory operations.